Thread: Akun ylläpito
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Old 19.12.2017, 08:19
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barum barum is offline
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RTFM on yleensä toimiva lähestymistapa.

'06..'07 manuaalit ohjeistavat näin:
Vehicle Storage

If you are not going to drive your vehicle for 25 days
or more, remove the black, negative (–) cable from
the battery. This will help keep your battery from
running down.
'08 eteenpäin ohjeistus menee näin:
Vehicle Storage

Infrequent Usage: If you drive your vehicle infrequently,
remove the black, negative (−) cable from the battery.
This will help keep the battery from running down.

Extended Storage: For extended storage of your
vehicle, remove the black, negative (−) cable from the
battery or use a battery trickle charger. This will
help maintain the charge of the battery over an extended
period of time.
Eli akku irti kun seisoo pidempään, kun kerran ylläpitolaturia ei saa viriteltyä.

Toki tuosta seuraa aina tuo sama menettely (takaluukku avaimella auki, akku kiinni ja ikkunoiden yläasennon opetus), mutta jäähän siitä pois tuo akun lataaminen (jos kyse on vain muutamasta kuukaudesta ja akku on kunnossa).
"The world has gotten it into its head that wind power is the solution to everything, and I just don't think it is. Wind is just annoying, internal combustion is good."
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